“Back a year ago I found the best moisturizer in the world! Your Melrose Hand & Skin Cream.”
D. Loftus
New Preston, CT.
“I received a gift of Melrose Hand & Skin Cream some time ago. I love it! My dry cuticles are gone, my thin split nails are greatly improved – my skin feels so good.”
V. Clar
Gering, NE
“Someone gave me Melrose Hand & Skin Cream. For the first time in my life, my fingernails improved.”
Mrs. W. Singleton
Sumter, S.C.
“I have been using Melrose Hand & Skin Cream for sometime. It’s wonderful when stuffing cards.”
L. Watkins
Caddo Mills, TX
Taking Chemo
“Neck gets rough and leathery, but this cream helps a lot.”
L. Green
Lucasville, OH
24 Hour Oxygen
“Husband skin drys out, but Melrose really helps.”
J. Syverson
Denver, CO
Harsh Weather Conditions
“I have a homestead in a brush area of Alaska. We tried all brands of body and hand creams until we found yours. Because of the weather, with hands that were cracked and bleeding, we couldn’t believe the difference after a few uses of your cream.”
L. Hines
Willow, AK
“Yours is the best product my wife and I have found for skin care during the harsh high plains winters. It does an excellent job keeping our hands and fingers from cracking.”
R. Moulds
Seward, NE
“We have horses and cattle. My husband likes Melrose Hand & Skin Cream since it helps his dry hands – after feeding and handling these animals.”
P. West
Trinity, TX
Wheel Chairs – Use on hands & Elbows
“My mother and husband use Melrose Hand & Skin Cream because they
are in wheel chairs and need cream for their hands and elbows.”
W. Mayhair
Melrose, FL
“Our brother-in-law sustained some 3rd degree burns on his hands. After
a week and a half of recovering, he was told to buy Melrose Hand & Skin Cream. The results were outstanding.”
St. Cloud, FL
Clean Black on Fingers After Wearing Jewelry
“Melrose Hand & Skin Cream is a favorite for many of us whom have
problems with our jewelry turning black on our fingers.”
B. Ellis
Sweetwater, TX
“It’s the only hand cream that doesn’t turn my fingers black when
I wear rings.”
Mrs N. Touchstone
Abilene, TX
Used For 50 Years
“I am 81 years old and worked on the railroad and it was the only
hand cream that would do me any good. I have used your hand
cream for about 50 years.”
S. Stratton
Meridian, ID
Other Skin Conditions: